
si*er*ra \ sē-ˈer-ə \
  • a range of mountains especially with a serrated or irregular outline
  • the country about a sierra
  • any of several large scombroid fishes (genus Scomberomorus) related to the mackerel


communications code word
Sierra \
  • —used as a code word for the letter s

Sierra Blanca Peak:g

geographical name
Si*er*ra Blan*ca Peak \ sē-ˌer-ə-ˈblaŋ-kə \ ˈsyer-ä-ˈbläŋ-kä \
  • mountain 12,003 feet (3658 meters) high in the Sierra Blanca Range of the Sacramento Mountains in south central New Mexico

Sierra de Gredos:g

geographical name
Sierra de Gre*dos \ dā-ˈgrā-(ˌ)dōs \ t͟hā- \
  • mountain range in west central Spain; highest peak is the Plaza de Almanzor at about 8500 feet (2591 meters) high

Sierra de Guadarrama:g

geographical name
Sierra de Gua*dar*ra*ma \ dā-ˌgwä-dä-ˈrä-mä \
  • mountain range in central Spain; highest peak is Pico de Peñalara at 7970 feet (2429 meters) high

Sierra Leone:g

geographical name
Sier*ra Le*one \ sē-ˌer-ə-lē-ˈōn \ ˌsir-ə- \ -lē-ˈō-nē \
  • country in western Africa on the Atlantic; a dominion of the Commonwealth of Nations; capital Freetown area 27,699 square miles (71,740 square kilometers), population 6,312,000

Sierra Madre del Sur:g

geographical name
Si*er*ra Ma*dre del Sur \ sē-ˌer-ə-ˈmä-drā-del-ˈsu̇r \ ˈsyer-ä-ˈmä-t͟hrā-t͟hel-ˈsür \
  • mountain range in southern Mexico along the Pacific coast in Guerrero and Oaxaca

Sierra Madre Occidental:g

geographical name
Sierra Madre Oc*ci*den*tal \ ˌäk-sə-ˌden-ˈtäl \ ˌȯk-sē-ˌt͟hen-ˈtäl \
  • mountain range in northwestern Mexico parallel to the Pacific coast

Sierra Madre Oriental:g

geographical name
Sierra Madre Ori*en*tal \ ˌȯr-ē-ˌen-ˈtäl \
  • mountain range in eastern Mexico parallel to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico

Sierra Morena:g

geographical name
Sierra Mo*re*na \ mō-ˈrā-nä \
  • mountain range in southwestern Spain between the Guadiana and Guadalquivir rivers; highest peak is Estrella at 4339 feet (1322 meters) high
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